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Driver Support Is the First and Only Driver Software Company to Publicize Software Principles

AUSTIN, TX — (Marketwired) — 01/13/15 — Facebook–s latest “Year in Review” app drew attention to online privacy issues when users criticized the unrequested display of photos from their timelines. While the omnipresent social media platform certainly gathers more details than most other organizations, the open-source nature of the Internet inevitably has people wonder what exactly happens with their data and worry how downloading software can affect the security and performance of their computers.

Recognizing the need for more transparency with regards to online services, decided to run a new path: The leading driver software download portal proudly published its on the company–s website in addition to their Privacy Policy and End License Agreement, thus displaying a solid commitment to data security that is unheard of in their industry.

Software Principles explain in refreshingly simple terms what users can expect when rendering the company–s services, from the installation process to the software behavior to uninstallation instructions. Clearly dedicated to providing a hassle-free customer experience, the principles give a clear overview of how Driver Support allows users to maintain complete control of downloads and computer settings, avoid the unsolicited download of third-party software and guarantees protection against the so-called “data snooping”, i.e. the collection or transmission of personally identifiable information.

First-time customers benefit from a completely free trial of the proprietary software, giving them an opportunity to get acquainted with the functions and advantages of the state-of-the-art technology before signing up. Registering for an annual contract provides members with 24/7 technical support and a complimentary driver update walkthrough by a Driver Support representative. Subscribers can easily scan their computers with the innovative tool to identify outdated or missing drivers and handle potential issues with the click of a button to maximize the performance and usability of their devices.

Focusing on data security as well as transparency, has maintained long-lasting and close partnerships with other trustworthy organizations for many years, amongst them Microsoft, which awarded the driver specialist with its Gold Application Development competency, and Symantec, a global leader in providing computer security systems. Striving to optimize the customer experience even further, was engaged to gather customer reviews to collect ideas and feedback on how to improve the Driver Support product and service in the future. Starting out in Austin, Texas, in 1996, the company–s expert team today resolves more than 5,000 requests per day for customers in countries around the world.

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