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Release of âœLead Like You Mean Itâ” Leadership Development Program March 16

Customers looking for the latest in career or business enhancements will want to know about the release of œLead Like You Mean It” Leadership Development Program. Sign up for this program begins on March 16.

Today Dorothy Tannahill-Moran, Leadership Coach at Introvert Whisperer releases details of the new œLead Like You Mean It” Leadership Development Program. The Leadership Development Program is designed to appeal specifically to future and current leaders and includes:

Live, online training “ This feature was included because by making the training live it can be interactive for deeper learning. This is great news for the consumer as It will save time in attending and can be done from anywhere in the world.

Live, coaching “ This was made part of the service, as it allows each person to work through any specific issues on a topic live with Dorothy Tannahill-Moran. Customers who invest in the service should enjoy this feature because they are able to get real-time solutions to timely questions or concerns.

Class recordings “ By including class recordings with 24×7 access, it will allow ongoing learning and reinforcement of the information both during the class and afterward. Customers of this program will likely appreciate this because they will be able to reference the information in the future as they need it.

Dorothy Tannahill-Moran, when asked about releasing the new œLead Like You Mean It” Leadership Development Program said:

“Leadership skills are in high demand and short supply. Possessing or further developing Leadership skills makes a person highly “promote-able”.

This is the latest offering from Introvert Whisperer and Dorothy Tannahill-Moran is particularly excited about this launch because this type of training hasn–t been available previously. For the leader coming up through the management ranks, it–s very targeted, actionable information that gets results fast..

Those interested in learning more about Introvert Whisperer and the release of œLead Like You Mean It” Leadership Development Program can inquire with Dorothy at dorothy@introvertwhisperer.com or go to: https://introvertwhisperer.leadpages.co/leadlikeyoumeanitpilot/

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