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Azul Focuses on JUGS to Evangelize the Benefits of Java

SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA — (Marketwired) — 04/07/16 — (Azul), the award-winning leader in Java runtime solutions, will be engaging technical audiences and providing insight into the evolution of Java and advances in Java Virtual Machine (JVM) technology at Java User Group (JUG) Meetups across the US next week. Simon Ritter, Deputy CTO, and Matt Schuetze, Director of Product Management, will be on-the-road to educate audiences on their visions of Java and related technologies.

Simon and Matt present regularly to developers and Java enthusiasts across the world, both being well respected in their fields. Having moved to Oracle as part of the Sun acquisition, Simon–s previous focus was on developer outreach for the core Java platform, Java for client applications and . Now, at Azul, he is helping people to understand Azul–s JVM technologies and products.

Matt is responsible for managing requirements and charting product roadmaps for and , Azul–s two Java runtime product families. He is also Azul–s alternate on the and helps run the . For further details on individual JUGs and Simon and Matt–s sessions, see below:

Tuesday April 12, ChicagoSimon Ritter: 6:00 PM””

Tuesday April 12, Los Angeles, Santa MonicaMatt Schuetze: 6:30 PM””

Wednesday April 13, DallasSimon Ritter: 6:30 PM””

Thursday April 14, Los Angeles, El SegundoMatt Schuetze: 6:30 PM””

Thursday April 14, St. LouisSimon Ritter: 6:30 PM””

For a complete list of Azul Systems events, visit: .

About Azul Systems


Azul Systems, the industry–s only company exclusively focused on Java and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), builds fully supported, certified standards-compliant Java runtime solutions that help enable the real time business. Zing is a JVM designed for enterprise Java applications and workloads that require any combination of low latency, high transaction rates, large working memory, and/or consistent response times. Zulu and Zulu Embedded are Azul–s certified, open source builds of OpenJDK with a variety of flexible support options, available in configurations for the enterprise as well as custom and embedded form factors. For additional information, visit .

Azul Systems, the Azul Systems logo, Zulu, Zing and ReadyNow! are registered trademarks. Java and OpenJDK are trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Media Contacts
For Azul Systems:
Howard Green, VP Marketing
+1 650 230 6616

Twitter: @azulsystems

Darren Cottom
Global PR Azul
+44 (0) 1295 713172
+44 (0) 7713 652216

Twitter: @darrencottom

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