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Archiving Software for Computer, NAS, Browser and Smartphones

Aachen, in April 2016. The Software ecoDMS from Aachen is one of the most popular, modern and fastest archiving systems on the German-speaking market. The quick installation process and the easy application, unrivalled value for money, platform independence and versatility of this software make ecoDMS the ideal archiving solution for everyone.

This modern data management system helps to archive documents and professionally manage and retrieve them. The clever combination of mature Open Source components, paired with professional in-house developments and an entirely new and contemporary sales model has opened new ways for “digitizing and archiving” on the software market. This model is a key distinguishing factor among the numerous competitors in the DMS sector. The price of 49 Euro (gross) per simultaneous connection on the ecoDMS server is unrivalled in the DMS sector.

At ecoDMS engineers have combined professional custom developments with mature open source components. For example, the OCR engine “Tesseract” is integrated in ecoDMS. The database is also open source. With postgreSQL ecoDMS has opted for a platform-independent database that offers virtually unrestricted data volume. As these are free software components, customers have no additional costs.

Users can quickly and easily install the data management system ecoDMS. It only takes a few mouse clicks. The basic system elements are the ecoDMS server, the ecoDMS client, the ecoICE client, and the virtual PDF/A printer. In addition, there are optional plugins, add-ons and mobile apps.

As a client-server system, the ecoDMS server forms the base of the entire application. The server is not a piece of hardware, but a software component. The ecoDMS server is installed once on a central computer, a server or an NAS. The users can then install the ecoDMS clients and plugins on any number of other computers. From each workstation the connection to the ecoDMS server and the database is made via the connection manager. Of course the ecoDMS server and other components can also be installed together as a solution for a single workstation.

Users can setup ecoDMS according to their requirements. The settings dialogue box displays the selected structures: Matching document types with specific retention periods, your own folder structures and access rights and much more.

Users can archive virtually any file format in ecoDMS. They can drag and drop documents, which are already saved on their computer, into the archive. ecoDMS carries out full-text recognition automatically in the background for readable files. Depending on the document, the user can classify either manually or automatically with the template designer. As an option, they can also work with mass classification. This allows to classify any number of documents simultaneously with the same information. With the right classification attributes, it is possible to assign the document type, the customer folder, the date, the responsibilities and much more information to the document, all of which can be edited at any time. Apart from the full text search, users can use these attributes to create exact filters to search for documents and to access the required data and information quickly.

The software is available for Windows, Ubuntu, Debian and MacOS. Moreover, dedicated server versions are available for Raspberry Pi 2 and Docker. The latest ecoDMS version also supports the Network Attached Storages (NAS), which provide a virtualization of containers, from Synology and QNAP. For all mobile technology and communication enthusiasts, there are also apps for Android and IOS smart phones and tablets, as well as a web client for the internet browser.

For more information, visit www.ecodms.de

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