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Disrupting Class is the Goal of Canada–s 7th Annual Digital Learning Video Challenge

TORONTO, ONTARIO — (Marketwired) — 01/06/15 — Attention: Health and Education Editors

This year, MindShare Learning is challenging K12 teachers to engage their students in demonstrating how they learn differently through technology in the 21st century by creating a two to four minute video.

“There are amazing and innovative teachers I know. However, education systems struggle with getting beyond pockets of innovation. These stories need to be shared across Canada,” said Robert Martellacci, President and Publisher of MindShare Learning. “We are challenging both teachers and students to share their videos that reflect the next generation of learners. This is what drives our passion. It–s our contribution to furthering the digital revolution in education.”

MindShare Learning has sought the expertise of award winning CTV Reporter, Naomi Parness, who joins the judges– panel as this years honorary judge for her coverage of education and her interesting in educational technology developments.

“While covering stories on education, I–ve reported widely on the growing presence and positive impact that innovative digital technology plays in teaching and learning,” said Naomi Parness, Reporter, CTV News Toronto. “I am delighted to participate as an honorary judge in the 7th Annual Digital Learning Video Challenge, and look forward to witnessing some of the latest and greatest ideas from teachers and students passionate about technology applications in learning.”

Submissions will be accepted until midnight EST on Saturday, January 31st, 2015. The official announcement of the three 2014/15 grand prizewinners will be shared in the March edition of the MindShare Learning Report. Three national winners (western, central, eastern) will receive fabulous classroom technology prize package valued at over $50,000.00 for their school.

About the MindShare Learning

MindShare Learning is Canada–s leading EdTech industry consulting, news and events media company. MindShare counsels education and industry leaders in understanding the emerging needs of learners to succeed in the 21st Century global knowledge-based digital economy to support student success.

MindShare Learning
Robert Martellacci
(416) 569-2106

MindShare Learning
Nancy Veloso

MindShare Learning

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