BEAVERTON, OR — (Marketwired) — 03/31/16 — today announced the release of Lustre® 2.8.0, the fastest and most scalable parallel file system. OpenSFS, founded in 2010 to advance Lustre development, is the premier non-profit organization promoting the use of Lustre and advancing its capabilities through coordinated releases of the .
Large portions of new feature development were funded by OpenSFS through dues collected from participants. Atos also contributed to the new features found in 2.8.0. Lustre now boasts added security and data protection, in addition to the following new features:
Distributed Namespace (DNE) Asynchronous Commit of cross-MDT updates for improved performance.
Remote rename and remote hard link functionality.
LFSCK Phase 4 Performance and efficiency improvements to the online filesystem consistency checker.
Red Hat 7.x server support (this release offers support for both servers and clients with RHEL 7.2)
Capability to enforce SE Linux security policies for Lustre clients.
Multiple Metadata RPCs improves the multi-threaded metadata performance of a single client.
“Lustre is a the most popular storage system for HPC, being on nine of the top 10 systems and over 70 of the top 100 in the list,” says Brent Gorda, General Manager of Intel–s High Performance Data Division. “The 2.8.0 release adds features that keep with the philosophy of performance and scale while adding features that are attractive to our enterprise and commercial customers. With these features, Lustre will continue to grow as the parallel file system of choice for HPC and enterprise technical computing.”
The Lustre User Group (LUG) conference, now in its 14th year, is the industry–s primary venue for discussion and seminars on the Lustre parallel file system and other open source file system technologies. The second annual Lustre Developer Day will be held in Portland, Oregon, and will be followed by two and a half days of LUG presentations. This year–s LUG features more sponsors than any previous LUG: Cray, DDN, HP Enterprise, Intel, Seagate, WARP Mechanics, Aeon Computing, SGI, and Supermicro.
OpenSFS also announced Steve Simms, manager of high performance file systems at Indiana University, has been re-elected as 2016 OpenSFS Community Representative Director on the OpenSFS Board of Directors. “I am pleased to serve another year on the OpenSFS board,” said Simms. “We continue to see the growth of Lustre acceptance as the features that keep Lustre the fastest parallel file system available continue, while we add features for enterprise and commercial use. I look forward to continuing to help this growth and wider deployment in the commercial arena.”
According to a statement by the OpenSFS Board of Directors, “Steve has been a long-time contributor to OpenSFS, bringing his knowledge, expertise, and vision in driving the growth and acceptance of Lustre and the success of OpenSFS. We are excited to be working with him for another year.”
More information about LUG 2016 can be found at . Lustre 2.8.0 is available for immediate download at: .
* All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. OpenSFS is a registered trademark of Open Scalable File Systems, Inc. Lustre is a registered trademark of Seagate Technology PLC in the United States. For more information visit .
The Lustre file system is an open source parallel file system widely deployed at major computational centers worldwide, including many of the Top500. Currently seven of the TOP10 supercomputing sites, and over 70% of TOP100 sites, utilize Lustre. OpenSFS plays a pivotal role in the open source Lustre community, through roadmap definition, funding of feature releases, and the OpenSFS Lustre Working Group (LWG), which helps with helps identify requirements for new Lustre features, testing, and coordination of new releases.
® is a strong and growing nonprofit organization dedicated to the success of the Lustre® file system. OpenSFS was founded in 2010 to advance Lustre, ensuring it remains vendor-neutral, open, and . Since its inception, OpenSFS has been responsible for advancing Lustre and delivering on behalf of the open source community. Through working groups, events, and ongoing funding initiatives, OpenSFS harnesses the power of collaborative development to fuel innovation and growth of the Lustre system worldwide.
OpenSFS Administration
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